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Now hiring licensed DVMs! Email resume to
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We've all seen it - a shelter full of pit bulls, a stray pit bull running lose, a 'bully breed' on a chain, or maybe even an expecting pit bull mother.
It is estimated that there are three to five million pit bulls in the U.S. The term "Pit Bull" encompasses mainly three breeds of dog: the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Considered a 'bully breed' and subject to breed specific legislation, they are by far the most euthanized breed.
Pit bulls and pit bull mixes average about 33% of shelter intakes nationally, but in large cities the numbers are as high as 40-65%. Studies estimate that up to 1 million pit bulls or pit bull mixes are euthanized per year. That's 2,800 per day. To top it off, the euthanasia rates don't include those chosen to fight. As if the odds weren't stacked against them enough - Pit Bulls are number one on the list chosen for illegal dog-fighting. Dogs that do not die in the ring often suffer abuse, neglect, abandonment, and eventually death far worse than humane euthanasia.
It's simple math-there are too many (animals, pit bulls) and not enough people willing to adopt them all.
Until we can educate the public and convince them to spay or neuter, and to adopt versus pet shop purchases and breeding, then we are just putting a band-aid on a gushing wound.
Because of fellow animal lovers and charitable donations, Prevent A Litter has been able to set aside funds that allow us to assist owners in need. Whether an owner is only able to contribute a portion of the surgery cost, or if we are covering the surgery all together, we shall continue to assist those in need while our funds allow.
Here at Prevent A Litter, we strive to make a difference - a difference in pet overpopulation and senseless euthanasia. Whether it is an issue of cost or availability, we want to bridge that gap to allow owners the ability to have their pet(s) fixed.
Sign up for PAL's PitFix Program on the 1st FRIDAY of every month at 11 AM using the link below:
Thank you for taking the time and care to have your pet fixed - Now, show us your pitties!!!
Don't have a Pit Bull? Follow us on social media and help spread the word!
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today so that we may continue this mission in assisting pets and owners of our community.
Be sure to specify you would like your funds to go to our PAL PitFix Program!